Thunderbird Therapies

Thunderbird Therapies

What to Expect with a Session

Once you have completed the consent form, booking form and payment below, Tristan will arrange a free consultation (approximately 15-30 minutes) with you to gain understanding of your concerning issues and determine which course of treatment would be most beneficial. During this consultation, Tristan may ask questions regarding your mental and physical health background. You may also ask questions regarding what to expect during the session.

More detailed information on the process is available in the booking form.

Pricing Options

For full two-hours sessions, you can choose from Thunderbird's 9 therapy options, or opt for "The Thunderbird" for all other, or mixed, needs and concerns. "The Cheetah" is available as a taster session of a one-hour basic chakra cleanse.

Tristan's two-hour therapy options are available on a sliding pay scale based on the healing energy frequencies of the Solfeggio scale. You can choose an amount to pay on the following scale that you can afford and that aligns with your own value of the healing you've received.

The following prices are all for 2-hour sessions:

  • £39.60
  • £41.70
  • £52.80
  • £63.90
  • £74.10
  • £85.20

There are limited pro bono sessions available monthly - please email Tristan for eligibility and availability information on these.

Please Complete the Booking Forms

For new clients, please fill out and submit the informed consent form here.

For both new and repeat clients, please book your session by clicking here.

As part of this form, you will choose one of Tristan's eleven therapeutic options, and pick a date and time for your initial consultation appointment. The form also invites you to give your informed consent for this therapeutic process.

Please Choose a Payment Option Below

Local clients may also pay in cash or by bank transfer at the time of their appointment.

Choose your pricing option

Ask A Question Before Booking